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SecuROM discs with active protection always have one single error in the data track, always in the third from the last sector.

However, this does not meet the official redump definition of an error (following the redumper / edccchk error count), and SecuROM discs should have a 0 error count (unless any other, non-SecuROM error sectors are also present).

Apple Macintosh discs can have SecuROM in rare cases.

Under very rare conditions BOS can detect a disc as having "SecuROM (very old, v3 or less)" despite the DRM not being present

Discs with 99 SecuROM sectors dumped by DIC may have an erroneous offset of -59 reported initially in _disc.txt, followed by the correct offset of -647. Any PC disc with reported offset -59 should be carefully checked as a result.

Correct sector count

Different versions of SecuROM have known sector counts as follows:

  • Pre-v3 - 216
  • v3 - 90
  • v4 - 99
  • post-v4 - 11

Any dumps with SecuROM should be checked carefully to ensure that the "SecuROM data" section contains an accurate number of sectors.

If not, the dumper should be asked to redump using DIC with the /np /nq /nr flags, and to then manually extract the SecuROM sectors from the .sub file with psxt001z --libcrypt. It may also be worth asking for a dump to be done with IsoBuster or CloneCD to verify.

  • SecuROM up to v4.76 uses subchannel protection.
  • SecuROM v4.76 to v5.00 can use either subs or DPM.
  • SecuROM v5.00+ uses DPM protection.


  • SecuROM Matroschka
  • SecuROM PA
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