Dumping Guides
From Redump Wiki
The Disc Dumping Guide is a general disc dumping guide for almost all gaming console disc formats.
However there are caveats for the following discs:
- Nintendo Optical Disc (NOD):
- Nintendo GameCube and Wii Dumping Guide with a Wii Console (recommended method)
- Nintendo GameCube and Wii Dumping Guide with a PC (additionally can dump NR & RVT-R dev discs)
- Nintendo GameCube NR and Wii RVT-R Dumping Guide with NR Reader and RVT-R Reader (dev hardware required)
- Nintendo Wii U Dumping Guide
- Sega Giga Disc (GD-ROM) Dumping Guide: Dreamcast, Chihiro, Naomi, Naomi 2, Triforce
- Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Dumping Guide (UMD: Universal Media Disc)
- Sony PlayStation 3 Dumping Guide (Blu-Ray / BD-ROM)
- Xbox/Xbox360 Dumping Guide with OEM Xbox360 Drive (Kreon drive is easier, follow standard method)
- Ringed Disc Dumping Guide
- BD-Video Key Extraction: Specifically for Blu-Ray Video Key extraction.
- HD DVD-Video Key Extraction: Specifically for HDDVD Video Key extraction.
- redumper: CLI Dumping Guide
- DiscImageCreator: CLI Dumping Guide
- Troubleshooting Problematic Discs
- MDF/MDS Dumping Guide (Non-Redump)
Category: Dumping Guides