PC Wise

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PC Wise was an optical disc manufacturer located in Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. PC Wise mostly made CD-ROMs for PC and Amiga, but also produced bootleg music CDs (according to Bootleg: The Rise & Fall of the Secret Recording Industry).


SID codes

  • Mould SID codes: IFPI 5Hxx

PC Wise did not produce masters and had no mastering SID code of its own.


First type (Mastered by Nimbus)

These discs were mastered for PC Wise by Nimbus and are similar to other Nimbus discs.

The ringcode appears mirrored when viewed from the data side.

The main text consists of:

  • A serial assigned by Nimbus;
  • A serial assigned by PC Wise;
  • The text "PC WISE";
  • A dot or dots (does this mean anything?).

The mastering SID code (IFPI L122 or IFPI L123) is written twice in small letters. (The "MASTERED BY NIMBUS" text is absent.)

There is a toolstamp consisting of dotted numbers separated by a colon, located after the main text. It is upside-down compared to the rest of the text (read with the center hole above).

There is a single digit on the mould, read from the label side. There may or may not be a mould SID code.

PC Wise
PC WISE ? Mastering
SID code
SID code
# Disc title
1995 AAA0020 CDR00514 BIOFORGE · IFPI L123 1:1
1995-10-09 AAA0095 CDR00837 · IFPI L123 1:1 Arcade Pool & Overdrive
1996-03-18 AAA0170 CDR01295 PC WISE  : IFPI L122 1:3 Worms Reinforcements
199? AAA0236 CDR01426 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:1 Rise 2: Resurrection
199? AAA0237 CDR01427 PC WISE  : IFPI L123 1:0 Rise 2: Resurrection (Limited Edition 2nd CD)
1996-04-26 AAA0268 CDR01492 - PCWISE · IFPI L122 1:0 Chaos Overlords: Strategic Gang Warfare
1994-10-09 AAA0319 CDR01587 PC WISE  :· IFPI L122 1:5 IFPI 5H02 Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 4)
1996 AAA0537 CDR01914 PC WISE IFPI L123 1:1 Comanche 2.0
1996-09-27 AAA0575 CDR01955 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:3
Worms United (Discogs)
1996-10-08 AAA0838 CDR02016 PC WISE · IFPI L122 1:4 Virtual Karts
1996 AAA0672 CDR02067 PC WISE Eric Idle ‎– That's Death (Discogs)
1996 AAA0673 CDR02068 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:1 All New World of Lemmings
1996 AAA0678 CDR02073 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:2 Destruction Derby (Neon Edition)
1996-03-23 AAA0779 CDR02189 PC WISE  : IFPI L122 1:2 Lemmings for Windows 95 & Lemmings Paintball
1996-12-06 AAA0788 CDR02192 PC WISE IFPI L123 1:5 Perfect Grand Prix
1997 AAA0964 CDR02314 PC WISE IFPI L123 Deep States - Patrolling The Edge Of Deep House & Techno (Discogs)
1996 AAA1008 CDR02353 PC WISE  :· IFPI L122 1:0 none 4 Magic: The Gathering
1:3 IFPI 5H02 5
1997-02-19 AAA1095 CDR02456 PC WISE  :· IFPI L122 1:0 IFPI 5H02 Simon the Sorcerer
1997-02-18 AAA1096 CDR02457 PC WISE · IFPI L122 1:2 IFPI 5H03 Simon the Sorcerer II
1996-11-02 AAA 1197 CDR02542 PC WISE  : IFPI L155 1:0 Wordworth 6 Office
1997 AAA1223 CDR02577 PC WISE  :: IFPI L122 1:1 Readers' Jives (45worlds)
1997-04-09 AAA1302 CDR02652 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:1 IFPI 5H01 Speedster
1997 AAA1312 CDR02660 PC WISE IFPI L122 1:4 Comanche 3
1997-04-17 AAA1336 CDR02687 PC WISE · IFPI L122 1:1 IFPI 5H02 Lomax
1997 AAA1385 CDR02728 PC WISE IFPI L122 I : O IFPI 5H02 Guitarist CD July 97 ([1])
1997 AAA1591 CDR02919 PC WISE Half Man Half Biscuit ‎– Voyage To The Bottom Of The Road (Discogs)
1997 AAA1601 CDR02924 PC WISE Triple J ‎– Follow The Sun (Discogs)
1997-04-24 AAA1570 CDR02926 PC WISE . IFPI L122 1:3 X-COM: Apocalypse
1997 AAA1671 CDR03013 PC WISE . IFPI L122 Benge ‎– I, Computor (Discogs)
1997 AAA1677 CDR03021 PC WISE IFPI L123 IFPI 5H06 A Band ‎– A (Discogs)
1997 AAA1691 CDR03035 PC WISE IFPI L155 IFPI 5H06 Crop Circles ‎– Lunar Civilization (Discogs)
1997 AAA1700 CDR03046 PC WISE IFPI L153 Obo / Various ‎– "A Roll Back" (1995 To 1997) (Discogs)
1997 AAA1751 CDR03093 PC WISE · Full Moon Scientist ‎– "Do We Look Like Comedians?" (Discogs)
1997 AAA1785 CDR03136 PC WISE IFPI L155 1:0 ‎Metallica – Bay Area Thrashers: The Early Days (FuckThePosers, METALLICA CD bootleg title index)
1997 AAA1824 CDR03224 PC WISE · IFPI L122 1:4 Micro Machines 2: Special Edition
1997-07-29 AAA1876 CDR03264 PC WISE · IFPI L122 1:5 World Rally Fever
1997-08-08 AAA1877 CDR03265 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:4 Worms United
1997-09-10 AAA1972 CDR03366 PC WISE IFPI L122 1:0 International Rally Championship
1997 AAA1974 CDR03364 PC WISE · IFPI L123 I:I IFPI 5H03 Omni Trio ‎– Skeleton Keys (Discogs)
1:2 IFPI 5H02
1997-09-03 AAA1954 CDR03348 PC WISE . IFPI L122 1:0 IFPI 5H02 7th Legion
1997-09-08 AAA1987 CDR03378 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:5 none 3 Magic: The Gathering: Spells of the Ancients
1997 AAA3138 CDRO3517 PC WISE  : IFPI L123 1:2 Enforcers: The Beginning Of The End (Discogs)
 ? AAA2144 CDR03523 PC WISE IFPI L155 Floyd (Disc 1)
 ? AAA2145 CDR03524 PC WISE IFPI L155 Floyd (Disc 2)
 ? AAA2146 CDR03525 PC WISE IFPI L155 Floyd (Disc 3)
 ? AAA2147 CDR03526 PC WISE IFPI L155 Floyd (Disc 4)
 ? AAA2227 CDR03650 PC WISE Worms 2
1998 AAA2369 CDR03830 PC WISE Foxtrot Discogs)
1998 AAA2421 CDR03885 PC WISE QFX ‎– Voyage - The Album (Discogs)
1998-02-12 AAA2476 CDR03944 PC WISE · IFPI L122 1:1 none 3 Magic: The Gathering: Manalink
1998-04-20 AAA2692 CDR04372 PC WISE · IFPI L123 1:0 Formula 1 97
1998-11-18 AAS0092 TIB B477200000 · IFPI L123 1:1 Dark Project: Der Meisterdieb
1999-07-16 AASO318 E1-1152 B5448  : IFPI L122 1:1 IFPI 5H01 MiG Alley

Second type (Mastered by EMI)

Detailed description goes here.

Serial Description PC WISE Mastering
SID code
SID code
# Disc title
1995-09-26 CDR00812 MAGIC BOY PC WISE IFPI L041 Magic Boy
1995-10-19 CDR00860 WORMS CD ROM PC WISE IFPI L041 Worms
1995-10-30 CDR00899 LOTUS 3 THE ULTIMATE CHALLENGE PC WISE IFPI L041 IFPI 5H05 Lotus III: The Ultimate Challenge
1995-11-08 CDR00964 SHOCKWAVE ASSAULT WIN 95 PC WISE IFPI L041 3 Shockwave Assault
1996-07-23 CDR01717 FLEET DEFENDER (P+) 00426 PCWISE IFPI L041 Fleet Defender
1996-09-02 CDR01859 GENE WARS PC WISE IFPI L042 Genewars
1996-10-22 CDR02091 KRAZY IVAN PC WISE IFPI L041 IFPI 5H06 Krazy Ivan
1997-08-22 CDR03373 RESIDENT EVIL ENGLISH PC WISE IFPI L041  :2:1:2: IFPI 5H03 Resident Evil

Third type (Mastered by Plasmon)

Detailed description goes here.

PC Wise
PCWISE Plasmon
SID code
SID code
Disc title
1997-07-14 CDR03127 PCWISE (97212114) IFPI L061 IFPI 5H02 Formula One Grand Prix

Fourth type (Mastered by ?)

Detailed description goes here.

Serial? Date Mastering
SID code
SID code
Disc title
1997-04-30 PC WISE CDR03551 10220/1 102797 IFPI LD81 Time Warriors

Other types

Todo: split up and add detailed descriptions.

Disc title
1993-12-13 PC WISE 0685 350505 SHAOLIN Chambers of Shaolin
1993-12-14 PC WISE LTD 0685 350505 JAMBALA The Seven Gates of Jambala
1994-02-14 P.C.WISE CDR00020 NICK FALDO'S GOLF CD 32 Nick Faldos Championship Golf
1994 CDR 00076 SYNDICATE EFIS PC WISE Syndicate Plus
1994-04-15 CDR 00093 PC WISE F19 F-19 Stealth Fighter (ring)
1994 CDR00128 PCWISE LTD/CD32 GAMER 2 Amiga CD32 Gamer Vol. 2
1994-06-02 MP190180DOIR PC WISE LTD CDR00144 JUNE 1994 Impossible Mission 2025: The Special Edition
1994 CDR00166 THEME PARK PCWISE Theme Park
1994-08-09 CDR00261 BLOODNET PC WISE LTD BloodNet
1994-09-17 MP 133177 DOIR CD 32 PC WISE CDR00278 UFO UFO: Enemy Unknown
1994-09-23 CDR00281 PC WISE LTD TEAM 17 - ARCADE POOL CD 32 Arcade Pool
1994 FOG CDR32 CDR00296 PC WISE LTD Fields of Glory
1994 CDR00363 CD32 SPECIAL PC WISE LTD Lamborghini American Challenge
1994-11-28 CDR00376 COMBAT CLASSICS 3 EUROPEAN PC WISE Combat Classics 3
1994-11-28 CDR00391 SYSTEM SHOCK PC WISE System Shock
1995-04-05 CDR00561 AB / TOWER ASSAULT IBM PC WISE Alien Breed: Tower Assault
1995 CDR00861 ALIEN BREED 3D PC WISE Alien Breed 3D
1995-10-17 CDR00865 WORMS CD32 PC WISE Worms
1996-01-10 CDR 01062 SPERIS LEGACY CD32 PC WISE The Speris Legacy
1997-10-31 PC WISE CDR03598 IFPI L055 Lure of the Temptress
1998-11-16 AAS0090 TIB B477000000 · IFPI L123 1:1 IFPI 5H05 Thief: The Dark Project


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