Incite PC Gaming (USA) - Coverdisc List

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incite PC Gaming was the PC counterpart of incite Video Gaming, both of which were published by Computec Media in 1999-2000. Both magazines ran for nine issues before their publisher closed down on June 2000. Both magazines attempted to be more "mature" in their topics, combining coverage of gaming with movies, television, and other less gaming-oriented content.

incite PC Gaming magazine included a coverdisc which included game demos, patches, videos related to the magazine's contents, and full games.


Premiere Issue (December 1999)DumpedTomb Raider: The Last Revelation / Lara Croft artwork


Issue 2 (January 2000)UndumpedOmikron demo / David Bowie artwork
Issue 3 (February 2000)DumpedStar Trek: Hidden Evil demo / Indiana Jones artwork
Issue 4 (March 2000)UndumpedAsteroids (full game, Net Active DRM) / Quake III artwork
Issue 5 (April 2000)UndumpedRailroad Tycoon (full game, Net Active DRM) and disc artwork
Issue 6 (May 2000)UndumpedSacrifice artwork
Issue 7 (June 2000)UndumpedSlave Zero full game (limited play, Net Active DRM)
Issue 8 (July 2000)UndumpedTribes full game (14 day trial, Net Active DRM)
Issue 9 (August 2000)UndumpedDaikatana artwork
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