DiscImageCreator: List of Commands

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       cd <DriveLetter> <Filename> <DriveSpeed(0-72)> [/q] [/a (val)]
          [/be (str) or /d8] [/c2 (val1) (val2) (val3)] [/f] [/m] [/p]
          [/raw] [/sf (val)] [/ss] [/np] [/nq] [/nr] [/ns] [/s (val)]
               Ripping a CD from A to Z
               For PLEXTOR or drive that can scramble ripping
       data <DriveLetter> <Filename> <DriveSpeed(0-72)> <StartLBA> <EndLBA+1>
            [/q] [/be (str) or /d8] [/c2 (val1) (val2) (val3)] [/sf (val)]
            [/ss] [/r] [/np] [/nq] [/nr] [/ns] [/s (val)]
               Ripping a CD from start to end (using 'all' flag)
               For no PLEXTOR or drive that can't scramble ripping
       audio <DriveLetter> <Filename> <DriveSpeed(0-72)> <StartLBA> <EndLBA+1>
             [/q] [/a (val)] [/be (str) or /d8] [/c2 (val1) (val2) (val3)]
             [/sf (val)] [/np] [/nq] [/nr] [/ns] [/s (val)]
               Ripping a CD from start to end (using 'cdda' flag)
               For dumping a lead-in, lead-out mainly
       gd <DriveLetter> <Filename> <DriveSpeed(0-72)> [/q] [/be (str) or /d8]
          [/c2 (val1) (val2) (val3)] [/np] [/nq] [/nr] [/ns] [/s (val)]
               Ripping a HD area of GD from A to Z
       dvd <DriveLetter> <Filename> <DriveSpeed(0-16)> [/c] [/f] [/q]
               Ripping a DVD from A to Z
       fd <DriveLetter> <Filename>
               Ripping a floppy disk
       stop <DriveLetter>
               Spin off the disc
       start <DriveLetter>
               Spin up the disc
       eject <DriveLetter>
               Eject the tray
       close <DriveLetter>
               Close the tray
       reset <DriveLetter>
               Reset the drive (Only PLEXTOR)
       sub <Subfile>
               Parse CloneCD sub file and output to readable format

Option (generic)

       /f      Use 'Force Unit Access' flag to defeat the cache (very slow)
       /q      Disable beep

Option (for CD read mode)

       /a      Add CD offset manually (Only Audio CD)
                       val     samples value
       /be     Use 0xbe as the opcode for Reading CD forcibly
                       str      raw: sub channel mode is raw (default)
                               pack: sub channel mode is pack
       /d8     Use 0xd8 as the opcode for Reading CD forcibly
       /c2     Continue reading CD to recover C2 error existing sector
                       val1    value to reread (default: 1024)
                       val2    value to fix a C2 error (default: 4096)
                       val3    value to reread speed (default: 4)
       /m      Use if MCN exists in the first pregap sector of the track
                       For some PC-Engine
       /p      Ripping AMSF from 00:00:00 to 00:01:74
                       For SagaFrontier Original Sound Track (Disc 3) etc.
                       Support drive: PLEXTOR PX-W5224, PREMIUM, PREMIUM2
                                      PX-704, 708, 712, 714, 716, 755, 760
       /r      Read CD from the reverse
                       For Alpha-Disc, Tages (very slow)
       /raw    Read the lead-out of 1st session and the lead-in of 2nd session
                       For Multi-session
       /sf     Scan file to detect protect. If reading error exists,
               continue reading and ignore c2 error on specific sector
                       For CodeLock, LaserLock, RingProtect, RingPROTECH
                            SafeDisc, SmartE, CD.IDX, ProtectCD-VOB, CDS300
                       val     timeout value (default: 60)
       /ss     Scan sector to detect protect. If reading error exists,
               continue reading and ignore c2 error on specific sector
                       For ProtectCD-VOB

Option (for CD SubChannel)

       /np     Not fix SubP
       /nq     Not fix SubQ
       /nr     Not fix SubRtoW
       /nl     Not fix SubQ (RMSF, AMSF, CRC) (LBA 14100 - 16199)
                                              (LBA 42000 - 44399)
                       For PlayStation LibCrypt
       /ns     Not fix SubQ (RMSF, AMSF, CRC) (LBA 0 - 7, 5000 - 18799)
                                           or (LBA 30800 - 34799)
                                           or (LBA 40000 - 45799)
                       For SecuROM
       /s      Use if it reads subchannel precisely
                       val     0: no read next sub (fast, but lack precision)
                               1: read next sub (normal, this val is default)
                               2: read next & next next sub (slow, precision)

Option (for DVD)

       /c      Log Copyright Management Information
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